Clothing Items

ESD 123 Clothing for Staff

Represent Team 123 with professional looking attire branded with the ESD 123 logo!

Rules & Instructions

  • The ESD Communications Department oversees the ordering of all branded materials, including  ESD clothing orders. To assure professional branding and consistency, all clothing orders must be reviewed and approved by the Communications Department before the order is placed. This includes clothing ordered for special events. (See bottom of page).
  • Employees are expected to adhere to the ESD 123 Dress Code.
  • Staff clothing orders will be placed as a group order 4 (four) times per fiscal year as shown in the table below. 
  • Staff wishing to order clothing items for events or other purposes outside of the group ordering dates must contact the Communications Department for assistance in placing their order.

Deadline For Employees To Submit Order Form To Communications Department:

Last Day to Submit Payment (or your order rolls over to the next cycle)

 September 21, 2023 October 10, 2023
November 30, 2023 December 19, 2023
March 21, 2024 April 9, 2024 
June 6, 2024 June 25, 2024

How to Order Clothing: 

  1. Complete and submit the Clothing Order Form according to the deadlines for order and payment above.  Note: you can view the clothing items right in the form which includes links to sizing charts.  However, you can also download this pdf of Approved ESD Clothing for viewing the items. 
  2. Shortly after you place your order, you will receive an email confirming your order details.  If the information is not correct, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
  3. The Communications Department will reach out to you approximately 1 week before the payment deadline to confirm the final cost. (The more people who order a specific product, the less you have to pay for the embroidery fee.)
  4. Take the final cost confirmation email with you and pay by check or credit/debit card at the ESD 123 Main front desk by the payment deadline.
  5. The clothing order will be placed in accordance with the group ordering dates listed above.
  6. You will be notified when your order arrives, which you can pick up from the ESD 123 Main front desk.

New Hires / First Time Orders

(NOTE: The following does not apply to temporary employees or contractors.) Upon hiring (or if an employee has never ordered ESD clothing before), the department under which the employee works will pay for one item of clothing chosen from the Clothing Order Form, less $20 contributed by the new employee. (The new employee will pay $20 of his/her own money for the item, and the employee's department will pay the remaining cost.) The employee may choose to order more than one clothing item, however, the department will only cover the remaining cost of a single clothing item. If an employee is ordering more than one item, the department will cover the remaining cost of the lower-price item. All remaining costs are the responsibility of the employee.

EXAMPLE: Josh is hired as a new Administrative Assistant in the Special Services Department. From the Clothing Order Form, Josh selects a long-sleeve shirt that costs $60 and a Polo shirt that costs $45.

Special Services Department pays $25 [cost of the lower-price item ($45) minus the employee's $20 payment]

Josh pays $80 [$20 for the first item he selected, plus the full cost of the second item ($60)]

**NOTE:  At this time, departments are only obligated to pay the remaining cost of one item of clothing per employee after their hire date. Any additional clothing items ordered by the department's employees will be at full cost to the employee unless approved otherwise by the department director.

Specialty Items for Unique Events, etc.:

Staff wishing to order clothing items for events or other purposes outside of the group ordering dates must contact the Communications Department for assistance in placing their order.

  1. Employees/departments wishing to order clothing items in bulk (6 items or more of the same clothing product), contact the Communications Department as we may be able to find a cheaper option than those listed on the Clothing Order Form.
    OR Employees/departments wishing to order clothing items not listed on the Clothing Order Form (such as shirts for conferences, etc.) may research and identify other items for consideration.
  2. Email [email protected] with:
    • a description of the item(s) you are wishing to order,
    • the purpose,
    • and a link to the product.
  3. The Communications Department will:
    • review the request and respond with approval and/or suggestions, along with next steps for placing the order.
    • provide instructions for you on how to provide payment for the Communications Department to move forward (purchase order, p-card, etc.)
    • work with the vendor you have identified to ensure the correct version of the ESD 123 logo is used based on the product size and color.
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