Time & Pay

On this Page

 Points of Contacts




Contact me to:

Kaylee Bolt
Director of Human Resources
  • Learn more about your employee calendar
  • Answer questions about Frontline Central
Elida Soto-Lemos
Payroll Specialist 544-5716
  • Help completing or submitting your Time & Effort Form or Time Sheets
  • Answer questions about your paycheck and/or deductions
Carol Trahan  Payroll Specialist 544-5779
  • Time & Effort support

Tracking Time

Important Forms

Time & Effort

clock iconEmployees working under multiple, variable budget codes or as required by program funding must submit a Time & Effort each month. Get the Time & Effort form here.
Time & Efforts are due by the 5th of each month.


Employees working on a temporary employment agreement or extra hours must submit weekly timesheets. Be sure to fill out the entire timesheet. Timesheets without dates, names, and/or hours will NOT be accepted. Timesheets can be submitted weekly or monthly based on the employee’s preference. All approved timesheets submitted to Payroll by the 15th of the month will be paid at the end of that month. Get the timesheet form here.

Timesheets are due by the 15th of each month. Cut-off dates for timesheet approval by supervisors are listed below.

Frontline Time & Attendance

ECEAP and 21st Century staff: check with your supervisor to see if you are required to report time using Frontline Absence Management and Time & Attendance. 

Timesheets through Frontline are processed twice a month. Timesheets should be entered, reviewed, and ready for approval by the 15th and last day of each month. Cut-off dates for timesheet approval by supervisors are listed below.

Login to Frontline Time & Attendance here. Contact Elida Soto-Lemos for questions on using Frontline.

Timesheet Approval Cut-Off Dates for 2023-2024

  • Timesheet approval includes leave requests.
  • All new employees should have all their new hire documentation submitted and approved within 1-3 days of start date.
  • Checks are processed once a month with pay day being on the last working day of the month.

Pay Period

Cut-Off Date (by 5 PM)

Payment Month

 9/1/2023 - 9/15/2023
 September 18, 2023
 September 2023
 9/16/2023 – 9/30/2023
 October 4, 2023  October 2023
 10/1/2023 – 10/15/2023
 October 18, 2023  October 2023
 10/16/2023 – 10/31/2023  November 3, 2023  November 2023
 11/1/2023 – 11/15/2023  November 16, 2023  November 2023
 11/16/2023 – 11/30/2023  December 4, 2023  December 2023
 12/1/2023 – 12/15/2023  December 18, 2023  December 2023
 12/16/2023 – 12/31/2023  January 3, 2024  January 2024
 1/1/2024 – 1/15/2024  January 17, 2024  January 2024
 1/16/2024 – 1/31/2024  February 2, 2024  February 2024
 2/1/2024 – 2/15/2024  February 16, 2024  February 2024
 2/16/2024 – 2/28/2024  March 4, 2024  March 2024
 3/1/2024 – 3/15/2024  March 18, 2024  March 2024
 3/16/2024 – 3/31/2024  April 3, 2024  April 2024
 4/1/2024 – 4/15/2024  April 17, 2024  April 2024
 4/16/2024 – 4/30/2024  May 3, 2024  May 2024
 5/1/2024 – 5/15/2024  May 16, 2024  May 2024
 5/16/2024 – 5/31/2024  June 4, 2024  June 2024
 6/1/2024 – 6/15/2024  June 18, 2024   June 2024
 6/16/2024 – 6/30/2024  July 3, 2024  July 2024
 7/1/2024 – 7/15/2024  July 18, 2024  July 2024
 7/16/2024 – 7/31/2024  August 2, 2024  August 2024
 8/1/2024 – 8/15/2024  August 16, 2024  August 2024
 8/16/2024 – 8/30/2024  September 4, 2024  September 2024

Employment Contracts & Calendars

See Policy 5050 – Employment Contracts for more information. The majority of ESD 123 employees do not receive an annual contract. All certificated and classified staff who receive a contract must be approved by the Superintendent and Board of Directors and not exceed one year. In addition, an official ESD 123 calendar shall be prepared annually by the Superintendent or designee. The calendar will be presented to the Board as an informational item prior to the beginning of each year. Employee calendars and contracts are processed in Frontline Central. General and Admin Calendar templates are available here.


Full-time ESD 123 staff receive 13 holidays per fiscal year which do not count against any other form of leave. Employees in leadership roles whose positions require them to work 12 months a year, but less than full-time (260 days), receive four paid holidays (those occurring on Mondays as defined in RCW 28A.150.050).

Break and Meal Periods

Employees who work more than 5 hours but less than 10 hours a day are required to take at least one unpaid 30-minute lunch and one 10-minute paid break for every four hours worked. Meals periods should occur near to, or as close to the middle of your working shift as possible.

Getting Paid

money iconESD 123 employees are paid once per month, on the last working day of the month. Funds are issued by direct deposit to your bank account or sent by mail.
  • To see your check history and pay stubs, log in to Skyward and click on “Payroll Check History.”
  • To make changes to your direct deposit, please contact Elida Soto-Lemos or Carol Trahan for a Frontline Central form. 
  • Remember to submit your changes by the 15th of the month for them to go into effect by the end of the month.  
  • In the case of an account closure, immediately inform Elida or Carol to avoid delays to your paycheck.  

Mandatory Payroll Deductions

The ESD 123 complies with state and federal law pertaining to Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare, Washington’s Paid Family Medical Leave, Workers Compensation, Retirement (SERS/TRS 2 or 3) and VEBA (1%).

Use the IRS calculator to guide your withholding decisions. To change the amount being withheld from your check, complete a new W-4 form in Frontline Central.

Health Insurance & Benefits

If you are enrolled in a SEBB medical insurance plan, you will see a monthly premium deduction (dental and vision insurance is covered by ESD 123). Employees may change their medical plans ONLY during an open enrollment period (Nov/Dec) or within 90 days of a special enrollment qualifying event such as marriage/divorce or birth/adoption. In addition, you will see monthly deductions for retirement (SERS or TRS) and VEBA. Learn more about ESD 123 employee benefits here.

Voluntary Payroll Deductions

Staff Fund

ESD 123 employees have established a Staff Fund to which employees can choose to contribute money voluntarily. This fund is dedicated to be available to send flowers and/or donations to a coworker in times of illness, bereavement, and special occasions including ESD 123 staff and family events held throughout the year.

See Staff Fund Guidelines here. To contribute to the ESD 123 Staff Fund, complete and submit the ESD 123 Staff Fund form in Frontline Central.

Coffee Club

Coffee services for ESD 123 employees enjoying the coffee at the ESD main campus is available for a small monthly charge of $8, which can be conveniently deducted from your paycheck. Please contact the Payroll Specialist to join the coffee club.

calculator iconExtra Hours / Stipends / Supplemental Contracts

Employees needing to work extra hours or receive a stipend must obtain preapproval from their direct supervisor. Once approved, the supervisor must submit the appropriate request form through Frontline Central to be approved by the program director, cabinet member, human resources, and superintendent, then taken to the Board as needed. All employees with an annual employment contract must request to work extra hours/days through a supplemental contract. All stipends and supplemental contracts must be approved by the Board or Directors. Once the appropriate form is approved, employees will receive an email notification through from Frontline Central.

Submit the appropriate form by division in Frontline Central, such as Overtime/ Extra Hours Request (T&L) or Overtime/ Extra Hours Request (Instructional Services). Employees will need to submit timesheets for any approved extra hours or supplemental contracts.

Compensation Review & Increases

To remain competitive and in alignment with school district and other educational service district staff, ESD 123 reviews staff compensation annually. Any suggested increases will go to the ESD 123 Board of Directors for approval. Increases will be announced to staff after they are approved by email and notice in the “ESD Connected” newsletter.

Change of Address or Legal Name

In the event of a move or mailing address change, email your new address to the Payroll Specialist and Human Resource Specialist to make updates for payroll and benefits.

In the event of a legal name change, please contact the Human Resources Specialist. Once contacted, they will send you the forms through Frontline Central which are required to update your name in payroll, benefits, and technology.
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